FashionZoot hears


As part of their promise to help maintain sustainable practices and reduce the consumption of water in their factories, Levi”s have developed a new line of jeans called “Water<Less“. The production of this line uses substantially less water in their denim washing processes (in some cases the consumption is changed from 42 litres to 1.5l) and the brand is donating over 200 million litres of water to communities in need.

WaterTank” is the new interactive action by Levis on Facebook, in partnership with the global charity organisation, which encourages consumers to change their water consumption habits and help save the communities that are in need of these precious supplies. Users can complete simple ”Thrills ar det senaste (december 2013) tillskottet till den standigt vaxande skaran av nat n. challenges and games to “unlock” water supplies, with exclusive Water<Less prizes to be won, while spreading the word about the initiative.

In the Levis Autumn/Winter 2011 collection there will feature a range of the Water<Less jeans, all of which will have a special label with the Water<Less symbol and a small explanation about the concept.

Levis suggests that you should do the following things to help reduce your water consumption and spread the word about the water crisis our modern world is facing…

  • Try to wash your jeans less often and use shorter washes, adopting more economical washing cycles.
  • Make a tweet including the waterless hashtag (#waterless)
  • “Like” the Levi”s brand on facebook
  • Encourage your friends to participate in the WaterTank action online
  • Donate money to
  • See the video (below) from Levi”s and for more ideas on lowering your water consumption

By Lucy Mclean

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