What comes to mind when you think of Bali? You may envision slow-paced, stunning beaches scattered with people in their bathing finest. Or today, you may equally well see buttoned up world leaders seated at grand tables in even grander meeting rooms. But neither of these scenes gets to the heart of Bali.
In this photo editorial, produced and styled by Christian Ritz Biyiha for ZOOT, we see a Bali beach in real life: sandy surf boards, cracked and peeling murals, a sea of motor-scooters, weathered beach shacks. The photos were taken by our Bali-based team at Echo Beach in Canggu, a surfer’s haven where natural beauty and the grit of modern life collide.
About 30 kilometers south you’ll find the other scene: the 17th annual G20 summit at Nusa Dua, Bali. With this year’s G20 kicking off today, we’re all watching to see what the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies will do to address the economic issues that Indonesia and the rest of the world are grappling with.
The G20 was founded in 1999 as a meeting of finance ministers, but after the 2008 financial crisis, it pivoted to its current assembly of state leaders discussing economic crises. As the world finds its way out of year three of the pandemic, the talks will be held under the theme “recover together, recover stronger”. While conspicuously absent from the agenda, Russia’s war in Ukraine will loom heavily over the proceedings. As of this morning, however, though G20 leaders clarified that the meeting is not the place to discuss security issues, they are considering a resolution to condemn the war.
So, while world leaders talk about the state of the global economy from their highly guarded, sanitised view of the island, ZOOT is sharing some gorgeous pictures with real life happening in the background. It’s a good reminder of what could be at stake if our leaders — and indeed we as global citizens — don’t address our current political, social and environmental issues: everyday life and the textured, imperfect humanity of it all.
Text by Michaela Doyle
Production and styling Christian Ritz Biyiha
Photography Kate Manoskina
Make-up and hair Anna Romanova
Model Olga Zinovyeva at Bali Model Agency

I am not very political, but in the south of the island, where the summit will take place, 18,000 men, military and police, are mobilized on land, at sea and in the air. 12 warships, 13 helicopters and four fighter planes are deployed in the vicinity of the G20. In other words, the island is completely surrounded. But the stakes are high for the Indonesian government, which hopes to restore the desire and confidence of foreigners to come back and enjoy the white sandy beaches, while the Covid 19 has caused a drop in tourist numbers over the past two years.
I don’t expect anything because the Russian president will be absent and the conflict in Ukraine is not officially on the menu of the G20 summit, but between soaring energy and food prices and fears of nuclear escalation, it will be at the center of concerns. So I hope they will find peace solutions.
— Producer and stylist Christian Ritz Biyiha

Any manifestation of creativity can reflect the situation in the world, no matter if it is fashion or a street artist. This is the only force capable of conveying to the world of politics, without lies and with a sincere message, the pain that the people are experiencing. And it is precisely in art that there is no fear, because it can speak without words. I believe that someday we will be heard.
I would like to believe that at the G20 summit, they will raise the issue of improving the domestic economy of each locality of the countries. It is unpleasant to realize that in each country only capitals and large cities are developed. It is so difficult to talk about the success of any country when you know that in its small corners, people are dying from elementary diseases because there are not enough medical workers, equipment and medicines. I believe that it is more necessary to pay attention to the real concern for citizens and their health, than to throw dust in the eyes or bullets in the heart.
— Makeup artist and hair stylist Anna Romanova

First, I hope that the G20 will affect the war situation between Russia and Ukraine. For all of us this is a very important point. I’m sure the art and fashion industry can influence because we need to speak up more about true work and inspiration. Make art, not war. Stop the war! Free Ukraine!
Secondly, I want [the G20] to solve the problem with the environment specifically in Bali and solve the garbage collection [problem].
— Photographer Kate Manoskina