Berlin-based cosmetics brand Uslu Airlines provides top quality cosmetic products, including their innovative airbrush make-up system and several different lines of top quality nail polish, popular amongst make-up artists and fashion enthusiasts worldwide. Uslu Airlines nail polish is easy to apply, dries quickly and holds well, whilst filling grooves in the nail to create a smooth polished surface.
With each polish named after a unique global destination the main line collection provides something for everyone, showcasing everything from pastel, vibrant and two-tone colours to specialised matt, lacquer or glittered finishes. The new additions to the main line polish collection are GEL Sepe Tiaruju, Brazil and NIM Niamey, Niger:

The list of Uslu Airlines nail polish collaborations is impressive, with past collaborations including unique polishes by Bread & Butter, Bernhard Willhelm, fashion label Rika and Colette, Paris. There is also the increasingly popular Uslu Airlines DJ line which works under the concept of adding some audible to the eye-candy. For the DJs involved it gives them a kind of visible presence rather than remaining only audible; adding visuals to their sound through a truly unique collaboration. Nail polishes have so far been created with Fetisch, Rollerboys, Headman, Ed Banger (Busy P) and Hugo Capablanca. The latest DJ polish to be released was created with the one and only DJ Loco Dice, a polish entitled DUS:

Each DJ polish is found on the Uslu Airlines website with its own special soundcloud mix, available to download for free. The Loco Dice mix can be found here.
Uslu Airlines nail polish is now available in Portugal exclusively through the Fashion Clinic stores in both Porto and Lisbon.
By Lucy Mclean