Chanel has released a refreshing new line of handbags, maintaining the luxury Chanel glamour but striking out with an androgynous style and so removing all feminine clichés of the brand in a typically Mademoiselle Chanel fashion; “Do the right thing at the right moment”, as she would say.
The bags are bold and different, of varying sizes to be worn as shoulder bags or across the body. Karl Lagerfeld plays with the idea of boyish charm in memory of how Chanel had once used men’s underwear to create dresses, with a unique boyish attitude picked up from the great love of her life, Boy Capel. Suitably the new line is therefore named Boy Chanel and is inspired by the classic cartridge bags, originally created for hunters due to their practicality and worn by the fashion visionary herself.
The Boy Chanel bags will be released in Chanel boutiques worldwide from September 2011.
By Lucy Mclean