Pentawards is the first and only worldwide competition exclusively devoted to packaging design in all its forms. It is open to everybody in all countries who are associated with the creation and marketing of packaging. The winners will receive bronze, silver, gold, platinum or diamond Pentawards according to the creative quality of their work. Packaging design from the world over created or brought out in 2010/11 will be judged by a likewise international jury that will select the winners in accordance with the creative quality of the work submitted. Apart from prize-giving, Pentawards’ mission is the promotion of packaging design with companies, the press, the economic and political authorities and the public in general, throughout the world.
To celebrate its 5th edition, the Pentawards and Avery Dennison invite all designers from all around the world to participate free of charge in a special competition dedicated solely to the creation of self-promotion through packaging design.
Participation in the SELF PROMOTION BEVERAGE AWARDS, organised for the 5th edition of the Pentawards is completely free of charge. Entries for this Self Promo Free Competition are accepted from 1st to 28 February 2011.
These special prizes will be given out at the official Pentawards ceremony in New York this coming September.
Click here to download the form (instructions for use) that will help you prepare your registration on line.
By Paulo Meixedo